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时间:2020-07-21 10:08:48 点击:

报告题目:The Fundamental Theory of The Universe and Universality in String Theory
报告人:Dr. Ehsan Hatefi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy)
报告时间:2020年7月21日(星期二) 15:30(北京时间)
报告地点:在线报告 (ZOOM ID:639 2448 8973)
报告摘要:In this seminar, we talk about the search for the fundamental theory of the universe as well asunification. We would like to introduce to you the fundamental objects, "D-branes" in String Theory.The main goal of our talk is to convey to you the importance of these objects not only in StringTheory and fundamental physics but also in the other fields such as Mathematical Physics andGeometry. We also highlight their roles in exploring further symmetries and unification. We try to talk about all kinds of effective actions in String Theory, involving DBI, Chern-Simons and moreimportantly new Wess-Zumino actions. We would also like to provide a comprehensive explanationnot only for BPS branes but also for D-brane-anti D-brane systems. Along with those actions, we alsointroduce various new techniques for mathematicians/string theorists for which getting the exactand final form of the world-sheet integrals to all orders will be presented. Eventually, we makevarious remarks on how to derive without any ambiguity all order α’ corrections to some of theeffective actions. We then mention several applications related to those effective actions for BlackHoles and Cosmology as well as other related areas.
报告人简介:Dr. Ehsan Hatefi has carried out his Ph.D. at CERN, theory division, Switzerland till 2011 and Ferdowsi University undersupervision prof. Luis Alvarez-Gaume. From Sep 2011- Oct 2014 has done his 1st postdoc positionat ICTP, Trieste Italy in theoretical high energy physics group, consequently, he has finished his 2ndpostdoctoral position at Queen Mary University of London, UK and his 3rd Postdoc was done atVienna University of Technology in Austria from 2016-2018. He has 40 international papers in the highest impact factor hep-journals with total 750 citations and h-index 17. He won various rewardsincluding Marie curie Fellow at CERN, and Austrian grant, etc. From January 2018 he had anadjunct assistant prof position at Warsaw University in Poland Under Distinguished ERC grant and since Oct 2018 he has been at Scuola normale Superiore and INFN in Pisa, Italy.