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International workshop for computational physics

时间:2021-11-17 08:34:23 点击:

In order to facilitates academic exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany, as well as other countries, the international workshop for computational physics will be organized on November 17th, 2021. This workshop aims to offer an important platform and unique opportunity for exchanging idea and recent progress on computational physics among young and experienced computational researchers in China and Germany, as well as other countries.


Computational Physics, which is expanding with the availability of modern and powerful computers, has been offering new insights on various natural phenomena, complementing, and going beyond more traditional visions based on analytical approaches. This workshop will review the latest advances and developments in computational physics.


This workshop will be held online for the whole day of November 17 (Wed), 2021, which can contain around 80 attendees. Notably, this workshop is totally free without any registration fees.


The Organizing Committee will do its best to make your attendance of the workshop enjoyable and memorable as well as scientifically fruitful, and warmly welcomes you.

College of Physics, Jilin University, China


AM, Nov 17 (online: Tencent Meeting, No: 212476040)

Host: Prof. Hanyu Liu





Prof. Yansun Yao

Saskatchewan University, Canada

Machine Learning Driven Metadynamics   Simulation of Reconstructive Phase Transition under

High Pressure


Prof. Li Zhu

Rutgers University, USA

Extreme materials design through energy   landscape mapping

PM, Nov 17 (online: Zoom, No:   3669064060)


Host: Assoc. Prof. Wenwen Cui


Prof. Miguel Marques

Martin-Luther- Universität at   Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Superconductivity of anti-perovskites


Prof. Silvana Botti

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

Machine-learning correction to   density-functional crystal structure optimization


Prof. Wenhui Mi

Jilin University

Nonlocal Kinetic Energy Functionals Enable   reliable Large-scale Electronic Structure Simulation

Break time (10 Min)

Host: Prof. Wenhui Mi


Dr. Alexis Forestier

CEA, France

What happens to graphene at high pressure:   mechanical and chemical effects


Dr.   Haichen Wang

Martin-Luther- Universität at   Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

A new dataset of 175K stable and metastable   materials calculated with the PBEsol and SCAN functionals


Kun Gao

Jiangsu Normal University

Superconducting Hydrogen
  Nanotubes in Hafnium Hydrides at High   Pressure