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物理大讲堂 -- 青年学者论坛(141)

时间:2021-12-16 10:02:03 点击:

报告题目:Hunting for physics beyond the Standard Model in rare decays of K and B mesons

报告人:Teppei Kitahara((鉄平北原)

报告时间: 2021年12月17日(周五)  时间:15:00



TheStandard Model, an effective theory describing known particles and interactions,has several unsolved problems. It is believed that there is an even morefundamental theory than the Standard Model, called new physics beyond theStandard Model. Thesearch for new physics is one of the main challenges of modern science. Precisemeasurements of flavor physics, particularly meson decays, are an essentialapproach to investigate new physics. Meson decays can be calculated with goodaccuracy within a framework of the Standard Model, and hence sensitivity to newphysics is excellent. In recent years, a number of experimental anomalies havebeen found by precision measurements. Interestingly, some of these anomalieshave been cross-checked by different experiments. Struggling to explain theanomalies by new physics is a task of particle phenomenology, and the StandardModel itself also has such a history. In this talk, I will present recentprogress with new physics interpretations of the flavor anomalies, also knownas lepton flavor universality violation. I will also argue future prospects offlavor physics, including our proposed methods to distinguish the new physicsmodels.



2015年在日本东京大学获得理论物理学博士学位,2015年4月–2015年9月在IPNS,日本高能加速器研究组织(KEK)做博士后研究,2015-2018年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)IKP做博士后研究,2018–2023年在日本名古屋大学高等研究所任指定助理教授,2018-2020年在Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,Israel物理系任长期访问研究员。

2012年至今为日本物理学会会员,2017年6月至今为Journal of High Energy Physics, PhysicalReview D, European Physical Journal C, Physics Letters B等17个期刊杂志的国际同行评审期刊审稿人。2018年3月获得日本物理学会青年科学家奖(理论粒子物理学),2021年10月“review ofmuon g − 2 anomaly and its new Physics links,”的特邀评论文章发表在High Energy News(inJapanese)上。他是2020年10月欧洲核子研究中心的“Implications of LHCb measurementsand future prospects(online)”国际会议的召集人,是2021年9月“The progress of the Particle Physics 2021 (PPP 2021),YITP(online)”的国内会议召集人。


Physics beyond theStandard Model, Flavor physics, CP violation, Supersymmetry, Lepton physics, Higgsphysics, Dark matter, Collider phenomenology, Long-distance correction, Effectivefield theories, Scattering amplitudes, Weak measurement

