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时间:2021-12-16 10:02:50 点击:

报告题目:Volatilesin deep planetary interiors: physical consequences and crystallographiccharacteristics

报 告 人:SimonRedfern


报告地点:线上(腾讯会议 297-364-381)


Volatileelements - those with low melting or sublimation points - may only occur invery low concentrations in the materials that form planets, but may havesignificant impacts on the behaviour and physical properties of the majorcomponents of planets, including Earth. For example, changes in the CO2concentration of Earth's atmosphere at the  level of tens or hundreds ofparts per million, seeminly insignificant, are now recognised to play a majorrole in the planetary climate system, leading to global warming. Many of thevolatile elements are most obviously seen as components of Earth's oceans andatmospheres, but the solid Earth is so much greater in terms of its volume andmass, that even small amounts of such elements in the deep Earth may representthe overwhelmingly largest reservoir in the planet. For example, althoughcarbon at Earth's surface is of huge importance to life, to climate, and toenergy conversion and storage (in terms of photosynthesis), the Earth's core,more than 3000 km below our feet, comprises the largest reservoir of carbon inthe planet. Yet we understand very little about the consequences of these"light" and "volatile" elements on the structure,composition, and physical nature of this and other planets. High pressurematerials physics provides the tools to explore the intriguing world deep inour planetary interior. Here I will outline some of the ongoing work of ourgroup at NTU Singapore, and point to the opportunities for discovery thathigh-pressure scientists might exploit in our continued understanding of howplanets work.


ProfessorRedfern is a mineralogist, trained as a crystallographer, who is interested inthe links between atomic scale structure and the physical and chemicalproperties of planetary materials, from Earth’s oceans to its core. Hisscientific research career, focussed on mineral sciences and more broadlywithin geosciences, spans more than 35 years. He completed his PhD in 1989 atthe University of Cambridge, Department of Earth Sciences, and until 2019 hasheld a full time academic appointment in a UK HEI. Initially, upon graduatingwith his PhD, he was appointed in 1989 at the University of Manchester asLecturer in Geochemical Spectroscopy joint between Geology and Chemistry.Subsequently, in 1994, he returned to Cambridge as a Lecturer in the Departmentof Earth Sciences, and was then promoted to Reader and then Professor. In 2016I he became Head of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University ofCambridge. He left Cambridge in 2019 to move to NTU and take up the post ofPresident’s Chair in Earth Sciences, alongside the role of Dean of the Collegeof Science. He is an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, University of Cambridge.

Heis the recipient of the European Mineralogical Society’s Medal for ResearchExcellence and is the only individual to have been awarded both the Max Hey andSchlumberger Medals of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland,of which he is a Fellow. He is also Fellow of the Mineralogical Society ofAmerica and of the Geological Society of London. Professor Redfern is keen totranslate scientific discovery to wider audiences and served as a BritishScience Association Media Fellow working alongside journalists at the BBC forsome time. He was also a member of the UK ministerially-appointed Committee onRadioactive Waste Management charged with providing independent scrutiny of thedevelopment of a geological radioactive waste repository in the UK.

