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时间:2022-10-27 18:54:17 点击:

报告题目:Holographic dense matter and neutron star mergers

报告人:Matti Järvinen,亚太理论物理中心 (APCTP, Pohang)



ZOOM会议号:839 7860 3575 密码:2022


  The gauge/gravity duality, combined with information from lattice QCD, nuclear theory, and perturbative QCD, can be used to constrain the equation of state of hot and dense QCD. I discuss an approach based on the holographic V-QCD model, which predicts a strongly first order nuclear to quark matter phase transition with a critical endpoint. By using this model in state-of-the-art simulations of neutron star binaries with parameters consistent with GW170817, I study the formation of quark matter during the merger process.


  Prof. Matti received his Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki in 2007, he then worked at the University of Southern Denmark, the University of Crete, the Ecole Normale Superieure, Utrecht University and Tel Aviv University. Now he is a junior research group leader at Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics in Pohang, South Korea. Prof. Matti's research interest lies in the applications of holography and string models to QCD. Recently he has focused on holographic QCD at high densities and neutron star mergers.


